SoCal TMS is thrilled to announce FDA approval of TMS for adolescents! *

SoCal TMS is thrilled to announce FDA approval of TMS for adolescents! *

Annually, almost 1 in 5 adolescents in the United States experience at least one major depressive episode (source: Neurostar)

Mental health issues amongst teens can be devastating to families and the communities they live in. Depression affects about 2.7 million children. It can lead to substance use disorders, teen pregnancy, and completed suicide, a leading cause of death in this age group. (source: CDC). Medications can cause serious side effects for kids, and most anti-depressants are not FDA approved for those under age 18.

TMS, a non-medication option previously only available to adults, is now a treatment option for adolescents struggling with major depression. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (or TMS) was FDA-approved for adults in 2008. Today, the FDA announced approval for TMS in adolescents 15 and older with depression. For the FDA study, the outcomes of close to 10,000 adolescents who were treated with Neurostar TMS were examined (source: Neurostar). The results showed that in those adolescents whose depression was treated with NeuroStar TMS, 78% significantly improved their depression symptoms and 48% reached complete remission.

This new FDA approval changes the landscape of treatment options for depression in adolescents. TMS has fewer side effects than medications and has been proven effective for adolescents grappling with depression. Although insurance coverage for this age group is still in process, our team will work with your provider to determine any benefits available to you. The FDA indication is specific to the NeuroStar TMS device, the only system used at SoCal TMS.

Here at Southern California TMS Center, we are excited to offer this treatment to your teen. Here’s what that process looks like:

…..(1) Call 866-322-7776 to speak to a live, knowledgeable Intake Coordinator to get more information and answer your questions about TMS treatment in adolescents.

…..(2) We will be delighted to investigate your insurance plan’s benefits and discuss what the cost for treatment may look like.

…..(3) We will schedule a virtual evaluation for you and your child with one of our experienced TMS clinicians to evaluate for necessity and formulate a treatment plan.

Depression medications can sometimes cause suicidal thoughts in adolescents, and all antidepressants carry a black box warning from the FDA about increased suicidality. TMS is a safe, non-medication, painless treatment option that can provide lasting relief. With TMS, patients may experience mild scalp irritation, mild headaches, or fatigue, usually early on in the treatment course. Our SoCal TMS clinicians and staff can help advise how to manage these minor issues during your child’s treatments.

At SoCal TMS, patients can watch TV, listen to music, read a book, work on their tablet, or phone, all while reclined and relaxing during treatments. We also offer streaming services in our treatment rooms so your child can catch up on their favorite shows while actively reducing their depression. While treatment can vary from person to person, TMS is generally gentle and non-systemic so your child can safely return to school and resume their daily routine after treatment.

Contact Southern California TMS Center today to get more information on TMS for adolescent depression.

*TMS is now approved for adolescents in conjunction with talk therapy.

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