01 Jun Dr. Todd Hutton Elected as TMS Society President
The Clinical TMS Society elected Todd Hutton MD as its President for the 2019-2020 term at their 2018 annual meeting in Brooklyn, New York. Dr. Hutton, Medical Director for Southern California TMS Center, will serve as President-elect for the 2018-19 term, and then as President the following year.
The Clinical TMS Society is an international organization composed of the world’s leaders in the field of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Established in 2013 to advance the field of TMS, its members include the leading researchers and clinicians from the United States and the rest of the world. The goals of the Society are to promote research in the field, establish the standards for appropriate clinical practice, train doctors and technicians in TMS techniques, and promote access to care for patients.
Dr. Hutton, as an original member of the Society, has served many years on the Board of Directors and chaired many committees, including for three years the prestigious Annual Meeting committee which selects the topics and speakers for the Society’s annual convention.
Widely respected by his peers in the Society, Dr. Hutton’s election as President signifies his stature as a worldwide leader in TMS. We are fortunate to him as our Medical Director.